Monday, February 16, 2009


Be it a business, casual or intimate relationship, operating out of unhealthy practices is a sign of something in need of healing. Healing is a matter of choice and to that end, it has been offered through the pages of Relationship Rerun.

With responsibly wrapped candor Tanya White has presented a book that brings to the forefront what most neglect – wise use of the option of choice. Although straight forward, the text invites its readers to take an honest look at habits and unresolved issues that may be at the root of the cycle of dissatisfaction. Author White does not propose to be the answer to all that ails you. She does however, through throughout the book offer a mirror for the opportunity of studying self-reflections. It also opens the door for individuals to seek understanding of their personal value and to work towards establishing healthy practices that nourishes the body, soul and spirit.